Your smartphone is millions of times more powerful than the Apollo 11 guidance computers in 1969! Now in 2022, technological advancement in numerous different industrial processes has redefined how we operate.
This advancement continues to accelerate to the point where we are now, poised before a major leap in human evolution in terms of how we do business, at the dawn of Digitalisation which can positively affect us in every sphere of our lives.
We all have the computing power available to us in the palm of our hands – our Smartphones.
Digitalisation is transforming all business process. It gives us new ways of creating wealth through Social Influence. Digitalisation is breaking the stranglehold that large institutions have had on our payment systems. The Cyberworld has blossomed with various crypto currencies. Now, more than ever, people are creating wealth through new digitalised processes.
This is transforming the world around us at lighting speed. Never before have such opportunities been made available to individuals where they use their own Social Influence to create wealth. This is because the Social Influencer plays a vital part of transforming how things need to get done.
People trust their immediate network rather than businesses when making a purchase decision. At the very core, your circle of trust, your family, friend, business networks and close associates – knows that when something is coming from you, they can trust you instinctively.
Collectively we as individuals validate business processes by doing them. Technological advancement means business processes must advance, and indeed transform our lives, as we advance into the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Age of Digitalisation. The most important factor in any revolution is change. The Age of Digitalisation is no different, and the individual Social Influencer is the key to that change as well as the technology itself.
Therein lies the opportunity for you.
AKTIV8 has fully recognised the Age of Digitalisation and we believe that you as an individual should be empowered through the support of our Digitalised Intellectual Property to create abundant wealth.
AKTIV8 has partnered with an international technology company in the IoT (Internet of Things) and DLSP (Digital Lifestyle Service Provider) sectors and developed Digital Platforms in the United States of America. This Intellectual Property held by AKTIV8 is worth approximately ZAR 2.5 billion. This company has been in existence for two decades and has clients such as Walmart, Starbucks and Nestle.
This company has created platforms to transform the Restaurant Industry, the Retail Industry, the Sports Industry and the Personal Development Industry in many countries throughout the world. The Social Influencer model is vital in the transformation of these industries. The opportunity for wealth creation for the Social Influencer/Affiliate Marketer is massive. Each of these industries is worth billions of Rands. Each of these industries offers the Affiliate Marketer a magnificent way to create significant wealth using the AKTIV8 platforms.
This is a limited and unique wealth creation opportunity. The growth multiple of this business is high. Due to the sensitivity of the models they will not be expounded upon on this website. What we can say is that in the digitally transformed business model cost savings are significant as is the gross margin improvement for any business that digitally transforms. AKTIV8 also provides a new concept for the Affiliate Marketer. This business involves provision of the tools to create your own online store stocking affiliate products of whatever size you desire. Your limitless potential just became unlimited.
AKTIV8 will launch in South Africa in a phased approach. The first phase will be open for a limited period of time of approximately 6 months. This will involve making a limited portion of the company available to qualifying investors, giving them the opportunity to realize substantial growth on their private placement or investment. Subsequent phases will be the active rollout of the business transformation process within specific high turnover industries with our network of Affiliate marketers who will determine for themselves how much wealth they wish to create for themselves.